M2 Integration
Experienced Professionals
M2 Integration brings a diverse team of highly experienced professionals.
Key Personnel
Joe Behrman
As a recognized industry leader, Joe Behrman has 20 years of industry experience, and has supported projects in industries that include Industrial Construction, Aerospace Complex Fabrication, Green Energy Installations and Large-Scale Construction Deployments.
Jason Graham
Business Manager
Jason Graham brings over 20 years of business and project management experience, and he has direct experience in all aspects of business and project management, including planning, forecasting, accounting, and sales.
Shon Shiiki
Project Manager
Shon Shiiki has over 10 years of industry experience, including electrical construction management, estimating, and purchasing. He has worked on a wide range of projects within industrial, aerospace, and green energy environments.
Pat Garris
Defense / Aerospace Subject Matter Expert
Patrick Garris has 30 years of industry experience, including providing Program Level Management, Fabrication, Oversite and Inspection within the Aerospace, Energy, Manufacturing and Construction Industries in both commercial and defense sectors.
Kathy Layton
Kathy Layton has over 15 years of industry experience, including advanced finance and accounting. She has worked on a wide range of business systems that support within industrial and aerospace environments.
Mike Bangsund
Defense / Aerospace Subject Matter Expert
Mike Bangsund has 30 years of industry experience, including as Site Foreman, Mechanical Lead and System Subject Matter Expert within the Aerospace industry.
Craft Personnel
As a Local IBEW Union Member, M2 has access to experienced craft personnel that can handle any type of major project.
rocket launch
M2 has a long history of supporting the Government, particularly within the Defense and Aerospace industries
For questions
or bid inquiries
If you have any questions or would like to get started on your next project please give us a call at 503-500-5840 or click below to get started.
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